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What is biofertilizer?

 BioFertilizer is a Natural organic fertilizer, that helps
to provide all the nutrients required by the plants and
helps to increase the quality of the soil with a natural
microorganism environment.

 Biofertilizers are ready to use live formulates of
beneficial microorganisms, which on application to
seed, root or soil mobilize the availability of nutrients
by their biological activity, in particular, and help build
up the micro-flora and in turn the soil health in

Biofertilizer versus fossil fertilizer

 Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals fertilizers in that
they feed your plants while adding organic material to the

 Soils with lots of organic matter remain loose and airy,
hold more moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil
organisms, and promote healthier plant root

 If only chemicals are added the soil gradually loses its
organic matter and microbiotic activity. As organic matter
is used up, the soil structure deteriorates, becoming
compact, lifeless and less able to hold water and
nutrients. This results in increased amounts of chemical
fertilizers needed to feed plants.

 We also like organic fertilizers because they're made
from renewable resources (chemicals are not).

Why should we use biofertilizers?

 With the introduction of green revolution
technologies the modern agriculture is getting more
and more dependent upon the steady supply of
synthetic inputs (mainly fertilizers), which are
products of fossil fuel (coal+ petroleum). Adverse
effects are being noticed due to the excessive and
imbalanced use of these synthetic inputs. This
situation has lead to identifying harmless inputs like
biofertilizers. Use of such natural products like
biofertilizers in crop cultivation will help in
safeguarding the soil health and also the quality of
crop products.

What are the benefits from using

1. Increase crop yield by 20-30%.
2. Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by
3. Stimulate plant growth.
4. Activate the soil biologically.
5. Restore natural soil fertility.
6. Provide protection against drought and some soil
borne diseases.
7. Protects the ground water by retention of plant
nutrient in the top soil. 


What are the advantages of biofertilizers?


  1. Cost effective.

  2. Supplement to fertilizers.

  3. Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).

Reduces the costs towards fertilizers use, especially
regarding nitrogen and phosphorus.

What types of microbes for biofertilizers

are available?

 For Nitrogen

  1. Rhizobium for legume crops.

  2. Azotobacter/Azospirillum for non legume crops.

  3. Acetobacter for sugarcane only.

  4. Blue –Green Algae (BGA) and Azolla for low land paddy.


 For Phosphorous

  1. Phosphatika for all crops to be applied with Rhizobium,

  2. Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Acetobacter


 For enriched compost

  1. Cellulolytic fungal culture

  2. Phosphotika and Azotobacter culture

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